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Starting School

Information for starting or moving to St Andrew's RC Primary School Dundee



Starting School


Starting school or nursery is an exciting time for both parents and children. Within this page you can find information on:

Enrolling your child for St Andrew’s RC Primary School

St Andrew’s RC Primary School Catchment Area

Placing Requests

Moving to St Andrew’s Primary during the School Year

Enrolling your child for St Andrew’s Nursery


Enrolling your child for St Andrew’s RC Primary School

A notice in the local press will advise parents of prospective Primary 1 pupils when to enrol their child in school.    This will usually be in early January for enrolment the following August.    Applications for places close on the first Monday in February.  Only pupils living in the catchment area [anchor to “School Catchment Area” paragraph} should be enrolled at the school, parents living outside the catchment area who wish their child to attend St Andrews should make a placing request {anchor to “Placing Requests” Paragraph}.

To enrol your child, parents are invited to make an appointment with the Head Teacher in order to complete the appropriate registration forms. Your child’s birth certificate and proof of residency must be produced before registration can be completed. 

When the final list of Primary 1 entrants has been confirmed by the Education Authority parents will be notified of the date for an open afternoon for both parents and children to visit the school. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions and to share informal discussions concerning procedures for starting school. 

Your child will be invited to return at a later date and spend some time in a primary 1 classroom to help familiarise them with members of school staff and their new surroundings. 

School staff will also make visits to local nurseries to meet with parents and children to offer support for the transitional process from nursery to primary school. Early in the first term there will be an opportunity for parents to meet with teaching staff to discuss the curriculum, the resources being used and ways in which you can support your child’s learning. 


St Andrew’s RC Primary School Catchment Area 

Our school catchment boundaries are as follows:

North:  Eastwards from Strathmartine Road by Old City Boundary to a point just east of Trottick Mains to meet the Dighty then by centre of Claverhouse Road.

East:  Southwards by centre of Claverhouse Road and Forfar Road to Kingsway.

South:  Westwards from Forfar Road by centre of Kingsway to Strathmartine Road.

West:  Northwards from Kingsway by the centre of Strathmartine Road to New City Boundary.


If you live within the school catchment area you can enrol your child for school as outlined above.


Placing Requests

If you live out with the school catchment area and wish your child to attend St Andrews then you must make a placing request directly to Dundee City Council.  Further information and forms are available from Dundee City Council’s website.

Dundee City Council Education Department endeavour to grant all placing requests.  However, where this is not possible then details of the reasons why and the appeal process will be given. 


Moving to St Andrew’s Primary during the School Year

We welcome new pupils throughout the session to all stages of the school, where places are available.   We are very happy to meet with prospective parents/carers to show you our school and to answer any questions you may have.    Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.   


Enrolling your child for St Andrew’s Nursery

Arrangements for enrolment to our nursery will be also in the press around the end of February and information will also be available from the school office.

Dundee City Council nurseries operate differently to primary schools in that they do not have catchment areas. Families from out with the school catchment area can therefore apply directly to the school for a nursery place