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Getting to School

Getting to St Andrews Primary


School Crossing Patrollers

For all of our health and safety we are keen to see more children and parents walking to school where possible. Parents are asked to emphasise to children to walk on the pavement in the vicinity of the school and cross at the School Crossing Control Points which are as follows: 

  1. the junction of Macalpine Road and St Leonard Place
  2. the junction of St Leonard Place and Cox Street  
  3. the junction of St Mary's Road and Macalpine Road

The patrols are on duty at the following times:- 

8.24 – 9.10 am; 12.15 – 1.25 pm; 3.00 – 3.30 pm. 

Arrangements will be made for crossing patrols in the event of early closing of the school.  

Safer Routes to St Andrew’s

Dundee Travel Active is working with pupils and parents to try to reduce congestion around schools by encouraging parents and pupils to walk, bus or bicycle to school.

If you do need to take the car, then Dundee Travel Active is encouraging parents to “Park & Stride” to reduce congestion around the school by parking a little further away from the school and walking the last part of the journey.

They have produced a “Safer Routes to St Andrew’s” leaflet to encourage families to do this and this can be downloaded here

School Car Park

The school car park is not designed to accommodate vehicles coming in to drop off or collect children from school/nursery. The car park is for school staff and visitors to the school, during the school day only. In order to protect our children from danger and avoid serious accidents, we ask that parents/families DO NOT use the school car park to drop off or collect children from school at the beginning or end of the school day.

As outlined in the “Safer Routes to St Andrew’s” leaflet, vehicles can be parked in our parish church car park or surrounding roads where parking is allowed.  This is essential not only for the safety of all but also to ensure that the school is accessible to emergency vehicles if required.  We thank parents and carers for your continued co-operation in this matter.

School Transport 

Dundee City Council provides transport for all primary school pupils attending their delineated area school and living over 2 miles from that school. 

Where a pupil is, at the parent’s request, granted a place at a school other than the school proposed by the Authority, the parents have to make their own transport arrangements.